Friday, December 12, 2014

Progress Through December 2014

We've made a lot of progress on the inside of the cabin over the last couple of months. Here's a nice panorama of what we have accomplished.

We started by covering the walls with some nice hemlock boards.  Most of them came from the tree that blew down near Penny and Rich's cabin.

Then, we added some shelves, curtains, and of course, a gun rack.

Jennifer painted the one wall that is plywood.  It turned out pretty nice, except the picture is a bit blurry, oh well...

Greg made this nice clock.  Fits in better with the decor than the plastic clock we used to have.

The coat rack was a combination of ideas.  Jennifer wanted to use a tree trunk for the rack, and Greg incorporated it into the shelves.

And, here is our Christmas present to each other, a new range!!!  It is propane, and the electronic spark works off of a 9V battery, so no electricity is required.  You might think that this is more of a gift for Jennifer, but Greg has probably used it more often.

Not all of the work has been inside.  Some friends gave us a stainless steel pipe that we installed as a new stove pipe.  This will make our warm, cozy nights a lot safer.

We also started building a shed for the tractor and Klamath boat.  We are also planning to put the bandsaw mill under here.  We just need to mill some rafters and build the roof, no big deal...

And finally, Greg started building the generator shed.  Again, just a bit of milling involved to get the walls and roof up!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Progress through September 2014

Finally, we were able to finish our siding!  Well, almost...  We still need to put up trim and battens, but the Tyvek isn't showing anymore!  We have to admit that the unevenness in the coloring of the wood, with a mixture of red and yellow cedar, looks a bit odd in this picture, but once we stain it, that will all go away.

We should have enough wood milled for the trim, but we will definitely need some more battens.

Most of this summer was spent on other projects and fishing, but we did get lucky and find some wood over the past couple of weeks.  The last part of the siding boards came from a log that was floating about a mile from the cabin that we just had to tow back to the beach, and another log that was just laying on the beach in our cove.  We had been searching for red and yellow cedar for months, and the sea just happened to bring it to us when we needed it the most.

Right around the time of our last update, we were able to put up some more interior boards around the wood stove.

We also milled about half of the big hemlock that fell down near Penny's and Rich's cabin.  We still have three more sections to mill, and assuming those logs have sound wood, we should have enough boards to finish the walls on the inside of the cabin.  Much of that wood is stacked and drying at the moment, but we still have three more sections to mill.

Greg had a good fishing season.  With the new configuration of the boat and a full year experience, it was a much more productive season.  Check out the Hunting & Fishing tab to see more fishing pictures.

When Jennifer wasn't helping Greg fish on the weekends, or when there was any chance of sunshine, she worked on the big boat.  Scraping, sanding, and painting.  Greg helped replace the decking and the hatch area on the bow, so now there are no leaks in the stateroom.  The pilot house and bow are completely finished, and most of the hull on the starboard side is finished, but the port size still needs work.  That will have to wait until next summer though.

Shrimp season opens October 1, so we will be busy shrimping for the next couple of weeks, and then we will focus on hunting for awhile.  Given that we were able to find some wood lately, we should be able to make some progress on the inside of the cabin this winter.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Progress through June 2014

We haven't had much of an opportunity to work on the cabin since April, mostly because Greg has been busy fishing.  Be sure to check-out the Hunting & Fishing page to see some of our catch.  That being said, we did spend a couple of weekends at the cabin and got some more inside work done.  We built a couple of end tables while Penny and Rich were here, be sure to look at the Lot 2 page for their progress too.

We also installed the flooring in the bathroom.  It's so nice!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Progress through April 2014

It has been awhile since we posted any pictures of our progress, but we have made quite a few improvements over the winter.  We were recently looking at our previous updates, and it is hard to believe we have come so far in just over four years.

We were able to take advantage of the rainy, wet days and get some inside projects done.  We finished the interior boards on one wall.

We also made a lot of progress on the bathroom.  We built cabinets; although, they still need to be stained, and we need to make doors.  We also hooked up the water to the sink and put trim around the top of the boards.  We finished the boards around the toilet area as well. 

Also, for much appreciated privacy, we (Greg by himself) built a new door, and we put trim around the window and a curtain up.

We got a great deal on a couch and loveseat, and used the Chinook to get them out there.  It is surprising sometimes what will fit in the boat.  Fortunately, we had some great weather that weekend.


It sure is nice to have some creature comforts out at the cabin these days.  Much better than sleeping in the shed, or in a tent under the loft.  However, one or two nice touches make the rest of it look, well, not so good.  Which is good reason to keep moving forward and try to make the whole thing look nice!

We took advantage of some sunny days and cleaned up around the place, burning scrap wood, brush, and garbage in general.  We also cut and split a bunch of firewood.  The old adage is true that cutting firewood warms you twice, but I think it is more like six or seven times - cut, haul, split, haul, stack, haul, burn.  Do you ever wonder how many times you handled a single piece of wood?

Anyway, we were able to fill our wood shed for the very first time ever!  Let's hope it gets us through next winter.

We also spent some time this winter working on Penny's and Rich's cabin.  See their page - Lot 2 - Penny & Rich - to find out more.