Sunday, December 1, 2013

Progress through November 2013

We spent Thanksgiving week out at the cabin. The weather was rainy and windy so we made some progress on interior projects.  First, we finished our bed frame.

Then, we built a dining room table.
And, put up some interior boards on the walls.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Progress through September 2013

We spent six days out at the cabin with Penny and Rich in mid-September.  We had pretty bad weather, but we were able to finish the roof on the porch.

 We spent most of the time working on the bathroom.  We plumbed-in the shower and installed the red cedar boards, then stained them.  It looks really nice, we just need to hook up the water now!

Penny and Rich worked out in the rain and wind to install their cedar shake siding.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Progress through August 2013

Although we didn't make too much progress this summer, due to lots of time fishing instead of building, the last couple of weekends we were able to get a few things done.  We finished most of the siding on the door-side wall.  We still need to build a new door and then we can finish the trim around it and the battens.  We were able to get it stained while it is still warm outside.

We also cleared out under the front deck and built a boardwalk.

Then, we promptly filled-up the space with milled boards for the inside of the cabin.  This will give the wood a chance to dry out before we put it up this winter.

We also put up some skirting on the front and started on the porch roof.  We still have abour four feet left to finish the side, but the deck is covered past the door which will make it really nice on those rainy days.  We still have some trimming to do, but the porch is coming along nicely.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

June Trip

On June 19, Penny and Rich arrived for a twelve-day visit.  Casey, Carter, and Alexis visited for three-and-a-half days, and Greg and Jennifer went back and forth to Ketchikan during this time period.  We had a lot of fun shrimping, swimming, surfing, beachcombing, building nations, riding the ATV, and much, much more...

A lot of progress was made on Lot 2. See the tab labeled "Lot 2 - Penny & Rich" for more pictures. Below are some pictures of their stairs, fireplace, bathroom, and the trail leading to their cabin.

Greg and Jennifer worked on the railing on their deck, cleared in front of the cabin, and cut firewood.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Winter Progress

This winter we made a few trips out to the property.  We have done some logging and milling, but the most exciting project we worked on is the bathroom.  Last weekend it was windy and rainy outside so we decided to get some work done inside.  Although not finished, it is nice to see some progress on the inside of the cabin. 
After applying bondo, sanding, priming and painting we were able to put up some of the red cedar.  We milled, planed, and cut shiplap sides into the wood and let it dry inside for several months.
Then we stained the wood and...

put in the counter top.

This beautiful piece of wood came from a yellow cedare drift log that floated into our cove over a year ago.  Greg milled it with the chainsaw mill.

We even put in the door jam and trim around the door.  Now, we need to mill wood for a door...

This winter we also cleaned up all of the brush from the beach and burned it.  It took a couple of trips to get all of the brush and drift wood to burn, but finally it was gone, and...
now, the beach looks nice an clean!

We also built a new mooring anchor for in our cove to tie up the fishing boat.  It weighs about 300lbs. and should hold the boat in most weather.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

More Pictures from Thanksgiving

Mom and Dad sent some pictures of the trip out to the cabin around Thanksgiving. They are attached below.

Nice picture of Greg milling.

We had some fun at night!

One of the three bears we saw on the beach in front of the cabin during the week.

A couple of deer on the beach in front of the cabin.

Dad caught a nice red snapper.

Some of the shrimp we enjoyed.

Floyd and Darlene's place

Floyd and Darlene.

Our first Thanksgiving Dinner at the cabin.

A little exercise to get to and from the fishing boat.  Dad sure liked to take pictures of us rowing.